Source code for themis_ml.meta_estimators

"""Module for Fairness-aware base estimators."""

import numpy as np

from sklearn.base import (
    BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, MetaEstimatorMixin, clone)
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array, check_X_y, check_is_fitted

from .checks import check_binary, s_is_needed_on_fit, s_is_needed_on_predict

[docs]class FairnessAwareMetaEstimator( BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, MetaEstimatorMixin): def __init__(self, estimator, relabeller=None): """Initialize metaestimator for composing fairness-aware methods. :param Estimator estimator: :param Transformer|None relabeller: """ self.relabeller = relabeller self.estimator = estimator def fit(self, X, y, s=None): X, y = check_X_y(X, y) y = check_binary(y) self.relabeller_ = None self.estimator_ = clone(self.estimator) # fit_transform y labels using estimator if self.relabeller is not None: self.relabeller_ = clone(self.relabeller) y = self.relabeller_.fit_transform(X, y, s=s) # fit estimator if s_is_needed_on_fit(self.estimator_, s): s = check_binary(np.array(s).astype(int)), y, s) else: # since relabeller by definition needs s, this checks whether # relabeller is None and the `s` array is provided. if self.relabeller_ is None and s is not None: raise ValueError( "`s` arg provided but %s fit doesn't accept `s`" % self.estimator_), y) def predict(self, X, s=None): check_is_fitted(self, ["estimator_", "relabeller_"]) X = check_array(X) if s_is_needed_on_predict(self.estimator_, s): s = check_binary(np.array(s).astype(int)) return self.estimator_.predict(X, s) else: if s is not None: raise ValueError( "`s` arg provided but %s predict doesn't accept `s`" % self.estimator_) return self.estimator_.predict(X) def predict_proba(self, X, s=None): if not hasattr(self.estimator_, "predict_proba"): raise AttributeError( "%s has no method `predict_proba`" % self.estimator_) check_is_fitted(self, ["estimator_", "relabeller_"]) X = check_array(X) if s_is_needed_on_predict(self.estimator_, s): s = check_binary(np.array(s).astype(int)) return self.estimator_.predict_proba(X, s) else: if s is not None: raise ValueError( "`s` arg provided but %s predict doesn't accept `s`" % self.estimator_) return self.estimator_.predict_proba(X)