Source code for themis_ml.linear_model.counterfactually_fair_models

"""Train counterfactually fair models.

This module contains an implementation of a linear counterfactually fair
model that uses the protected class variable to compute the residuals for each
input variable and uses those residuals to learn a function that maps from
inputs to the target variable.

Kusner, M. J., Loftus, J. R., Russell, C., & Silva, R. (2017).
Counterfactual Fairness. Available at arXiv:

import numpy as np

from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from sklearn.base import (
    BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, MetaEstimatorMixin, clone)
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array, check_X_y, check_is_fitted

from ..checks import check_binary, is_binary, is_continuous
from ..stats_utils import pearson_residuals, deviance_residuals

def _get_binary_X_index(X):
    return np.where(np.apply_along_axis(is_binary, 0, X))[0]

def _get_continuous_X_index(X):
    return np.where(np.apply_along_axis(is_continuous, 0, X))[0]

def _compute_binary_residuals(estimator, s, true, residual_type):
    if residual_type == _BinaryResidualTypes.absolute:
        return _compute_absolute_residuals(
            estimator, s, true, predict_proba=True)
    elif residual_type == _BinaryResidualTypes.pearson:
        residual_func = pearson_residuals
    elif residual_type == _BinaryResidualTypes.deviance:
        residual_func = deviance_residuals
        raise ValueError("unsupported residual type: %s" % residual_type)
    return residual_func(true, estimator.predict_proba(s)[:, 1])

def _compute_absolute_residuals(estimator, s, true, predict_proba=False):
    if predict_proba:
        return true - estimator.predict_proba(s)[:, 1]
    return true - estimator.predict(s)

class _BinaryResidualTypes(Enum):
    absolute = 0
    pearson = 1
    deviance = 2

[docs]class LinearACFClassifier(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, MetaEstimatorMixin): VALID_BINARY_RESIDUAL_TYPES = [ for e in _BinaryResidualTypes] S_ON_FIT = True S_ON_PREDICT = True def __init__(self, target_estimator=LogisticRegression(), continuous_estimator=LinearRegression(), binary_estimator=LogisticRegression(), binary_residual_type="pearson"): """Instantiate a linear additive counterfactually-fair classifier. :param BaseEstimator target_estimator: A classifier for learning a function that maps to input residuals and target variable. :param BaseEstimator continuous_estimator: A regressor for computing the residuals for continuous X inputs. :param BaseEstimator binary_estimator: A classifier estimator for computing the residuals for binary X inputs. :param str binary_residual_type: The type of residual to use for binary residuals. Options: {"pearson", "deviance"}. Default: "pearson". """ if binary_residual_type not in self.VALID_BINARY_RESIDUAL_TYPES: raise ValueError( "invalid binary residual type: %s. Must be one of %s" % (binary_residual_type, self.VALID_BINARY_RESIDUAL_TYPES)) self.target_estimator = target_estimator self.continuous_estimator = continuous_estimator self.binary_estimator = binary_estimator self.binary_residual_type = binary_residual_type
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, s): """Fit model.""" X, y = check_X_y(X, y) y = check_binary(y) s = check_binary(np.array(s).astype(int)) # save the indices on the X adxis self.binary_index_ = _get_binary_X_index(X) self.continuous_index_ = _get_continuous_X_index(X) self.n_input_variables_ = X.shape[1] self.residual_estimators_ = [] self.compute_residual_funcs_ = [] self.target_estimator_ = clone(self.target_estimator) # for quick lookup binary_index_set = set(self.binary_index_) continuous_index_set = set(self.continuous_index_) # store residuals self.fit_residuals_ = np.zeros_like(X, dtype="float64") residual_input = s.reshape(-1, 1) # fit residual estimators and compute residuals for i in range(self.n_input_variables_): if i in binary_index_set and len(set(X[:, i])) == 1: # if a binary variable only contains one of the classes # in the training set, then no residual can be computed. estimator, compute_residual_func = None, None elif i in continuous_index_set: estimator = clone(self.continuous_estimator) compute_residual_func = _compute_absolute_residuals elif i in binary_index_set: estimator = clone(self.binary_estimator) compute_residual_func = partial( _compute_binary_residuals, residual_type=self._binary_residual_type) else: raise ValueError( "index %s is not in continuous_index_ or binary_index_") # fit residual estimator and compute residuals if estimator and compute_residual_func:, X[:, i]) self.fit_residuals_[:, i] = compute_residual_func( estimator, residual_input, X[:, i]) else: self.fit_residuals_[:, i] = 0 self.compute_residual_funcs_.append(compute_residual_func) self.residual_estimators_.append(estimator) # fit target_estimator_, y) return self
def _compute_residuals_on_predict(self, X, s): predict_residuals = np.zeros_like(X, dtype="float64") residual_input = s.reshape(-1, 1) for i, (estimator, compute_residual_func) in enumerate( zip(self.residual_estimators_, self.compute_residual_funcs_)): if estimator and compute_residual_func: predict_residuals[:, i] = compute_residual_func( estimator, residual_input, X[:, i]) else: predict_residuals[:, i] = self.fit_residuals_[:, i] return predict_residuals def _check_fitted(self, X): X = check_array(X) if X.shape[1] != self.n_input_variables_: raise ValueError( "input `X` has %s variables but %s expected %s variables." % (X.shape[1], self.__name__, self.n_input_variables_)) for i in self.binary_index_: check_binary # TODO: check that binary_index and continuous_index in X are indeed # binary and continuous. check_is_fitted( self, ["binary_index_", "continuous_index_", "n_input_variables_", "target_estimator_", "residual_estimators_", "compute_residual_funcs_", "fit_residuals_" ]) return X
[docs] def predict(self, X, s): """Generate predicted labels.""" X = self._check_fitted(X) return self.target_estimator_.predict( self._compute_residuals_on_predict(X, s))
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X, s): """Generate predicted probabilities.""" self._check_fitted(X) predict_residuals = self._compute_residuals_on_predict(X, s) return self.target_estimator_.predict_proba(predict_residuals)
@property def _binary_residual_type(self): return _BinaryResidualTypes[self.binary_residual_type]