Source code for themis_ml.metrics

"""Module for Fairness-aware scoring metrics."""

import numpy as np
import scipy

from .checks import check_binary
from math import sqrt
from scipy.stats import t

DEFAULT_CI = 0.975

def mean_confidence_interval(x, confidence=0.95):
    a = np.array(x) * 1.0
    mu, se = np.mean(a), scipy.stats.sem(a)
    me = se * t._ppf((1 + confidence) / 2., len(a) - 1)
    return mu, mu - me, mu + me

[docs]def mean_differences_ci(y, s, ci=DEFAULT_CI): """Calculate the mean difference and confidence interval. :param array-like y: shape (n, ) containing binary target variable, where 1 is the desireable outcome and 0 is the undesireable outcome. :param array-like s: shape (n, ) containing binary protected class variable where 0 is the advantaged group and 1 is the disadvantaged group. :param float ci: % confidence interval to compute. Default: 97.5% to compute 95% two-sided t-statistic associated with degrees of freedom. :returns: mean difference between advantaged group and disadvantaged group with error margin. :rtype: tuple[float] """ n0 = (s == 0).sum().astype(float) n1 = (s == 1).sum().astype(float) df = n0 + n1 - 2 std0 = y[s == 0].std() std1 = y[s == 1].std() std_n0n1 = sqrt(((n1 - 1) * (std1) ** 2 + (n0 - 1) * (std0) ** 2) / df) mean_diff = y[s == 0].mean() - y[s == 1].mean() margin_error = t.ppf(ci, df) * std_n0n1 * \ sqrt(1 / float(n0) + 1 / float(n1)) return mean_diff, margin_error
def _bound_mean_difference_ci(lower_ci, upper_ci): """Bound mean difference and normalized mean difference CI. Since the plausible range of mean difference and normalized mean difference is [-1, 1], bound the confidence interval to this range. """ lower_ci = lower_ci if lower_ci > -1 else -1 upper_ci = upper_ci if upper_ci < 1 else 1 return lower_ci, upper_ci
[docs]def mean_difference(y, s): """Compute the mean difference in y with respect to protected class s. In the binary target case, the mean difference metric measures the difference in the following conditional probabilities: mean_difference = p(y+ | s0) - p(y+ | s1) In the continuous target case, the mean difference metric measures the difference in the expected value of y conditioned on the protected class: mean_difference = E(y+ | s0) - E(y+ | s1) Where y+ is the desireable outcome, s0 is the advantaged group, and s1 is the disadvantaged group. Reference: Zliobaite, I. (2015). A survey on measuring indirect discrimination in machine learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.00148. :param numpy.array y: shape (n, ) containing binary target variable, where 1 is the desireable outcome and 0 is the undesireable outcome. :param numpy.array s: shape (n, ) containing binary protected class variable where 0 is the advantaged groupd and 1 is the disadvantaged group. :returns: mean difference between advantaged group and disadvantaged group with lower and uppoer confidence interval bounds. :rtype: tuple[float] """ y = check_binary(np.array(y).astype(int)) s = check_binary(np.array(s).astype(int)) md, em = mean_differences_ci(y, s) lower_ci, upper_ci = _bound_mean_difference_ci(md - em, md + em) return md, lower_ci, upper_ci
[docs]def normalized_mean_difference(y, s, norm_y=None, ci=DEFAULT_CI): """Compute normalized mean difference in y with respect to s. Same the mean difference score, except the score takes into account the maximum possible discrimination at a given positive outcome rate. Is only defined when y and s are both binary variables. normalized_mean_difference = mean_difference / d_max where d_max = min( (p(y+) / p(s0)), ((p(y-) / p(s1)) ) The d_max normalization term denotes the smaller value of either the ratio of positive labels and advantaged observations or the ratio of negative labels and disadvantaged observations. Therefore the normalized mean difference will report a higher score than mean difference in two cases: - if there are fewer positive examples than there are advantaged observations. - if there are fewer negative examples than there are disadvantaged observations. Reference: Zliobaite, I. (2015). A survey on measuring indirect discrimination in machine learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.00148. :param numpy.array y: shape (n, ) containing binary target variable, where 1 is the desireable outcome and 0 is the undesireable outcome. :param numpy.array s: shape (n, ) containing binary protected class variable where 0 is the advantaged groupd and 1 is the disadvantaged group. :param numpy.array|None norm_y: shape (n, ) or None. If provided, this array is used to compute the normalization factor d_max. :returns: mean difference between advantaged group and disadvantaged group with lower and upper confidence interval bounds :rtype: tuple(float) """ y = check_binary(np.array(y).astype(int)) s = check_binary(np.array(s).astype(int)) norm_y = y if norm_y is None else norm_y d_max = float( min(np.mean(norm_y) / (1 - np.mean(s)), (1 - np.mean(norm_y)) / np.mean(s))) md, em = mean_differences_ci(y, s) # TODO: Figure out if scaling the CI bounds by d_max makes sense here. if d_max == 0: return md, md - em, md + em md = md / d_max lower_ci, upper_ci = _bound_mean_difference_ci(md - em, md + em) return md, lower_ci, upper_ci
[docs]def abs_mean_difference_delta(y, pred, s): """Compute lift in mean difference between y and pred. This measure represents the delta between absolute mean difference score in true y and predicted y. Values are in the range [0, 1] where the higher the value, the better. Note that this takes into account the reverse discrimintion case. :param numpy.array y: shape (n, ) containing binary target variable, where 1 is the desireable outcome and 0 is the undesireable outcome. :param numpy.array pred: shape (n, ) containing binary predicted target, where 1 is the desireable outcome and 0 is the undesireable outcome. :param numpy.array s: shape (n, ) containing binary protected class variable where 0 is the advantaged groupd and 1 is the disadvantaged group. :returns: absolute difference in mean difference score between true y and predicted y :rtype: float """ return abs(mean_difference(y, s)[0]) - abs(mean_difference(pred, s)[0])
[docs]def abs_normalized_mean_difference_delta(y, pred, s): """Compute lift in normalized mean difference between y and pred. This measure represents the delta between absolute normalized mean difference score in true y and predicted y. Values are in the range [0, 1] where the higher the value, the better. Note that this takes into account the reverse discrimintion case. Also note that the normalized mean difference score for predicted y's uses the true target for the normalization factor. :param numpy.array y: shape (n, ) containing binary target variable, where 1 is the desireable outcome and 0 is the undesireable outcome. :param numpy.array pred: shape (n, ) containing binary predicted target, where 1 is the desireable outcome and 0 is the undesireable outcome. :param numpy.array s: shape (n, ) containing binary protected class variable where 0 is the advantaged groupd and 1 is the disadvantaged group. :returns: absolute difference in mean difference score between true y and predicted y :rtype: float """ return (abs(normalized_mean_difference(y, s)[0]) - abs(normalized_mean_difference(pred, s)[0]))